Today’s card is the King of Cups. All of the court cards in the suit of cups, in my mind, reflect some form of dysfunctionality. All cups cards deal with emotion, and the King of Cups is a very emotional card. The king sits on a throne, away from the choppy waters around him; trying to distance himself from emotional situation he finds himself in.
Waite describes this card as: Fair man, man of business, law or divinity: responsible, disposed to oblige the Querent; also equity, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art; creative intelligence. Beware of ill-will on the part of a man of position. Reversed – dishonest, double-dealing man: roguery, exaction, injustice, vice, scandal, loss.
This card, to me, and whether the querent be male or female, would indicate that they are trying to cut themselves off from whatever is taking place around them, with that situation being highly emotionally charged.
Let us look at the symbolism a little more closely. The king wears an artificial fish around his neck. A fish of course, belongs in the water, with water being another symbol of the emotions. The articial fish around his neck again describes someone who is trying to protect themselves. Also, look at the fish in the background, jumping high out of the water.
Of course, it may also mean someone taking the high ground and removing themselves from what is taking place. All the kings (and equally, the queens), are supposedly stable, however, always remember that the cards have duality.