Five of Pentacles

This morning we have the Five of Pentacles. As you can see, the card does not depict a happy scene, with two bedraggled figures outside what looks to be a church; the woman barefoot and the man with crutches. Whatever the scenario, they are not in a good place.
Waite’s description of this card is: This card foretells material trouble above all, whether in the form illustrated – that is, destitution – or otherwise, for some cartomancists, it is a card of love and lovers – wife, husband, friend, mistress; also concordance, affinities. These alternatives cannot be harmonised. Reversed – disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, profligacy, troubles in love.
Again, I go along with the major part of Waite’s description, and again I say that some of those descriptions are slightly outmoded. This card to me is about ‘being outside’. Being outside takes many forms, or maybe I should say ‘being placed on the outer’.
It’s a card of betrayal, infidelity, or loss. If you were going through a court case, and this card came up in a reading, I would say that you were not on sure ground, and it would seem that you were going to lose. Is your partner having an affair? Well, whatever is going on, you are not happy, and feel pushed out in some form or another. Remember, though, that betrayal takes many different forms, and it may just mean that someone is lying to you.