Two of Swords

And today’s card is the Two of Swords. I’ll start with Waite’s description of the card, which is: Conformity and the equipoise which it suggests, courage, friendship, concord in a state of arms, affection, intimacy. Also: gifts for a lady; influential protection for a man in search of help. Reversed – imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.
Again, I’m afraid, I differ in view from Waite’s description. I’m just not sure I can see the above descriptions in the imagery of the card. A blindfolded woman sits atop a stone plinth, holding large swords across her chest. She is in a precarious position. A bit like the King of Cups, she is trying to protect herself from whatever emotional activity is taking place, although, having said that, the water behind her is relatively calm, which would indicate calmness of the emotions. Water in the cards equals emotions.
It is also night time, and our worries and fears are always worse at night, so in effect, the card is one of fear and mostly indecision. As above, the woman is blindfolded and cannot see who is in front of her, and is likely to lash out. The weight of the swords makes her position difficult to maintain, and will she topple backwards into her emotions?
If drawing this card, be careful about making big decisions. Try to take a wider and less emotional view.